
Mãe de quadrigêmeos passa por momento aterrorizante após quase perder o marido para o coronavírus

Hospital deve pagar pais do bebê que nasceu com sequelas após usarem técnica de parto ultrapassada

Publicado em 22/04/2020, às 18h19 - Atualizado em 23/04/2020, às 08h24 por Redação Pais&Filhos

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Hi! Putting this picture from 2 years ago about this time so it’s obviously this post is an update about Giovanni an d most importantly about my mental health. This post might make me unpopular for a little bit but forgive me my bluntness. – – So that what happened yesterday… Yesterday was a good day in terms of Giovanni s recovery. I mean he is awake and get from bed onto the chair and through ball to a PT ( and what ever else she said happily when she called me from his phone in the morning ). I now feel guilty knowing this person putting herself at risk to work with patients like my husband. But yesterday I barked – – Good for him! I felt like the whole situation is just out of control. One thing they said he is the same and in the morning they called to casually mention he is awake. I have been trying to get hold of his mobile phone for a while now as needed few bit of information to see if I can do smth with our very much sinking financial situation only to be told that now he wanted his phone and even if I want I can’t have it for next 72 h. I think this all tipped it. I found the minute to call them and basically shouted at them that noone thought before giving it back to him that he can’t even use it and that I was trying to get it for few days now and that noone even asked me what shall we do. Noone thought about me and what I’m dealing with back home here with 4 kids. That was yesterday. I felt angry for not quite sure what reason. They did not call with an update in the evening and I haven’t called them either. I needed those 2 h I have in the evening after kids are in bed to myself talking to noone. – – This morning nurse called from Giovanni’s mobile so he can hear my voice. He can’t speak as he is still on ventilator through his tracheotomy but he is doing like super incredibly well! Lucky me I was told! And i do agree! But lucky him too! As keeping all this sh* t together was/is /and will be hard till he is home and we can feel “normal”. SO I WANTED TO SAY I’M OK OR AT LEAST WILL BE. GIOVANNI IS DOING AMAZINGLY WELL CONSIDERING HOW STILL UNWELL HE IS. KEEP US IN YOUR PRAYERS!

Uma publicação compartilhada por Anna – supermama 🦸🏼‍♀️ (@quadsagainsttheodds) em

Anna Savchenko, de 35 anos, é uma mulherbritânica mãede quadrigêmeos. Recentemente, ela passou por um momento muito complicado ao lado da família, o maridoGiovanni Sapia, de 53 anos, foi internado no hospital, depois de contrair o novo coronavírus, e ficou em estado grave por duas semanas.

Giovanni, que é pai de Gionni, Peppe, Melina e Mia, chegou a ficar em coma induzidoe entubado. Felizmente agora o quadro é estável.

“Na segunda semana, Giovanni me ligou e sua respiraçãoestava tão ruim que eu não conseguia ouvi-lo. Eu disse para ele não se preocupar e o tranquilizei. Então o médico me ligou e disse que eles estavam indo para ventilá-lo. Esse foi o momento ruim. Nos próximos dias, pensei: ‘meu Deus, ele vai acordar?’Na quinta-feira antes da Páscoa, ele desceu rápido e foi colocado no ventilador. Em algum momento, seu coração também falhou e disseram que apenas um quarto estava funcionando. Ele acordou na segunda-feira e está muito fraco. Eles não querem me dizer que ele está se recuperando porque viu as pessoasmelhorarem e piorarem novamente”, contou Anna ao The sun.

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